Attitudes configure our experiences and perceptions of the world, and they guide our behaviors and interactions with the environment and other people. Attitudes help us make sense of a chaotic universe and enable us to make decisions, as they provide us with more cognitive ease because they divide the universe in likes, dislikes and things on which we don’t have an opinion.
Consequently, linguistic attitudes are a powerful force in language learning, in the interpersonal and intergroup dynamics, in the definition and expression of social identity and in the application of linguistic policies, which makes them especially relevant in multilingual contexts, where different languages coexist and people have to negotiate who speaks which language, to whom and when.
Therefore, it is vital to understand the various educational, social and psychological factors that intervene in the construction process of linguistic attitudes. Moreover, we aim to investigate the contextual differences that favor changes in linguistic attitudes, as well as the different factors that may promote these attitude changes.
Finally, another focus of our research is to progress in the measurement of linguistic attitudes, developing implicit measures and techniques.