Cecilio Lapresta obtained his PhD at the University of Lleida (2004) and his BA in sociology at the University of Barcelona (1998).
He received a predoctoral grant to conduct his PhD from the Institute of High Aragonese Studies (subsidiary of CSIC) which is affiliated to the University of Lleida. He has been a full-time lecturer in the area of Sociology at the same university since 2004, first in a fixed-term contract and since 2009 in a permanent position.
His lines of research focus on the analysis of identity constructions and the role that languages play in them, the study of language attitudes and the acculturation patterns of the descendants of migrants, with special emphasis on how this all influences their school, linguistic and social integration.
He has conducted and participated in numerous research projects at a regional, national and European level, publishing their results in national and international top-level journals.
In 2007 he received the second prize of the National Educational Research Award for his work ‘Language attitudes, school and immigration. Students facing linguistic and cultural diversity’.